Sunday, July 25, 2010


I was just revisiting my blog today.. you know, getting familiar with what I should already have been familiar with. And I discovered this old post of mine. Made me sigh to think that there used to be a time when I used to have readers…:) The post also made me want to make some changes to my blog.. try out the new ‘template designer’ by blogger and generally play around with my blog. So I have spent a pleasant hour and a half painstakingly customising a template and just when it was about perfect, changing it into this off-the-shelf minimalistic version. Somehow I think I like this better now. I have also updated my ‘currently reading’ and ‘recently read’ columns, and have trimmed my blogroll too. Hah!! I have also removed a few redundant features and have basically cleaned out my blog. So, please, oh please dear imaginary reader mine, do stroll around this new version of my blog, and murmur appreciatively to yourself…


Debosmita said...

See, here you have one of your readers dropping by and appreciating the change openly in your comment box :-)

The minimalistic design is fine, but can you do something to the fonts? I mean, somehow I feel more interesting fonts would make this look nice :-)

Play around with your side bar, too. I know you pruned it, but do add some features, quotes, pictures etc.

My personal opinion, totally. Take it or trash it :-)

Looking forward to see more activity on this blog from you soon...

Can't you please remove 'word verification'? I hate it absolutely :-(

Indecision Personified said...

Ah kind reader.. thank you! :) As for the font, this seemed to me to be the most readable font and pictures already exist! :)

As for WV.. sorry. It stays for now. :)

Sroyon said...

I'm with you on this one, Manavi. "Interesting fonts" are all very well in their own right, but for more substantial chunks of text, the old favourites are the best. And I like the pruned sidebar too. In fact I wouldn't complain if there were even fewer features. There are too many blogs with too much clutter in the sidebar, and I find it slightly annoying.

Indecision Personified said...

@Sroyon: Thanks. Infact, the 'labels' and the 'I also visit' sections reflect further weeding. Was tired of my blog resembling an overgrown garden!

Anonymous said...

*murmuring appreciatively*